Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Vote for Christina Day, Mrs. Oregon City International 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Mrs. Oregon City International, Christina Day is mentioned in the Knit a Square ezine!
On of our forum members, Cindy wrote to tell us:
"My daughter, Tina Day, has been named Mrs. Oregon City International 2010. The Mrs. International Pageants recognize women for their dedication to their families, their professional accomplishments and their community. Tina has always had a heart for children. She, her husband and family are a foster family and they have adopted 2 of their fostered children. You already know of her commitment to Knit-a-Square.
In April 2010 she will compete to represent the state of Oregon at the International level.
Cindy and her husband Dave sponsored an advertisement in the pageant program and donated it to KasCare which is wonderfully generous. We wish Tina everything of the best in her quest to be Mrs.Oregan International 2010.
(above taken from the KAS website)
How very nice to be mentioned in the Knit a Square monthly ezine! There are so many generous people involved with Knit a Square, that I am very honored to grace their pages.
For those of you who may not know about the Knit a Square organization, I will take this opportunity to tell you a bit about it and how I came across this wonderful charity.
My mother, Cindy, taught me how to knit about 25 years ago. I consider myself to be rather creative, and have amassed a rather large stash of everything from yarn to fabric to scrapbooking supplies. I guess you could call me a "collector". Nearly 10 years ago, I worked in the quilting industry, and we used to have a saying. You had to age your fabric before using it. Knowing that justified the quilters' impulse to buy more and more fabric. So, here I am, sitting at home one day, wondering what I can do with all of this stuff I have collected over the years. Both my mother and I were members of an online group called "Ravelry". (If you knit or crochet, you have to check this out!) I started searching their site for charities. As you know, children are my life! I stumbled across the Knit a Square group, and found out that they collect 8" squares either knit or crochet. Knit a Square has a group of volunteers that sew the squares together and distribute the finished blankets to AIDS orphans in Africa. What a wonderful way to use up all of the little scraps of yarn I had! Yeah! If you know me, you know that I am a bit competitive. My mother and I began knitting squares like crazy just trying to outdo each other. The Knit a Square group received more than 50,000 squares last year! This year, the goal is more than 100,000 squares! We can do it!
If any of you are interested, or would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to ask me. And please take a look at their website at You will get to see how all of the hard work has paid off. The smiles on the children's faces is priceless. To think that these children grow up with next to nothing, and in below freezing conditions, something as simple as a blanket to keep them warm is one thing that we can all help with!
This is one charity that I am very proud to be a part of.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Mrs. Oregon City International, Christina Day at the Oregon Women in Timber Auction, Feb. 26, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Mrs. Oregon City International, Christina Day is getting ready to attend the American Heart Association's HEART BALL!
Tonight is the HEART BALL for the American Heart Association. The fundraiser is being held at The Governor Hotel in downtown Portland. This is a black tie event. Sheilja Patel will also be volunteering, and I cannot wait for the opportunity to spend the evening with her. Hopefully I will come home with some great photos to post.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Mrs. Oregon City International, Christina Day is mentioned in the Knit A Square ezine!

"Last year we thanked Ros Trulock for sewing all the felted squares, we have received, into blankets. She has done a wonderful job and for which we are very grateful. This is a photograph take some time ago of her sewing the beautiful squares sent by Cynthia and Tina last year and some of the blankets she has sewn. They look so warm and sturdy." (Taken from the Knit A Square ezine for Jan. 22, 2010)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Mrs. Oregon City International, Christina Day meets with Suzy Bootz, Mrs. International 2006!

Today I had the pleasure of meeting with Suzy Bootz, Mrs. International 2006! Suzy was a judge for the 2008 Mrs. International Pageant and helped Arma Fitzgerald win the title of Mrs. International 2009. Suzy is now the official coach for the International Pageants.